Arseny Druzhinin

+7 (922) 952 14-41 ยท

I have experience in developing backend systems of varying complexity. I understand what I want from the code and work. I love self-development in the IT sphere and not only.


Junior/Middle Java Developer


I take an active part in the development of new features for the service for searching for airline tickets and tours. I am writing functionality for a more flexible selection of tours according to the given parameters. I also actively participate in the integration of the API of insurance companies into B2B service for the selection of car insurance.

February 2020 - Present

Junior Java Developer


I was migrating an internal project from Spring Boot 1.3. * To Spring Boot 2.1.6. I cleaned the old three-year bugs. He was also involved in the development of architecture for expanding the functionality and further scaling the application. I finished and tuned the application in order to deploy it Standalone for showing to customers. He introduced integration tests into the project.

June 2019 - December 2019


I completed the semester course of the joint project of SPbPU and Group "Technopolis" under the program "Developer Golang" as part of which I wrote a search database. He also took a two-year course on the Highload-Development program, within the framework of which he mastered many technologies. Also, as part of the course, a key-value highload database was written.


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Institute of Computer Science and Technology - Applied Informatics
2018 - 2022


Programming Languages & Tools
Technology and Skills
  • Java, strong knowledge (Concurrency, OOP)
  • Spring Framework, confident knowledge (Boot, Security, JPA, Cloud ...)
  • Spark Framework, confident knowledge
  • SQL, good skills
  • Golang, good skills
  • Redis, basic understanding
  • MongoDB, basic understanding
  • Ubuntu/Linux, confident proficiency + initial administration skills
  • Git/Git flow, confident knowledge
  • Gradle/Maven, basic understanding
  • Docker, basic understanding
  • Jira + Confluence, basic understanding
  • Ability and love to work on Agile\Scrum


In addition to development, I really like to read fiction, in particular Russian classics, I make music for myself. In winter I like to go snowboarding.

While at home, I usually read Medium \ Habr, write home projects, learn new technologies, for example IoT, contribute in open-source, watch TV shows.


  • Russian - Native
  • English - B2

Personal qualities

  • High motivation
  • The ability to quickly learn new technologies
  • The ability to carry it through until all project requirements are met
  • The ability to quickly and seamlessly work in a team
  • Creativity of thinking, which helps to come up with non-standard solutions to tasks
  • Integrity in work
  • The ability, if necessary, to take responsibility for the project and manage a small team

Awards & Certifications

  • Developer Golang - Joint project of SPbPU and Group "Technopolis"
  • 1st place - Hackathon "Baltic Sea Hack"
  • 1st place - SPbPU - Hackathon 2019